Are you more sensitive to the heat or the cold?

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Which are you more sensitive to?
Heat 48%  48%  [ 126 ]
Cold 34%  34%  [ 89 ]
Both 15%  15%  [ 38 ]
Neither 3%  3%  [ 7 ]
Total votes : 260


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13 Aug 2011, 3:56 pm

I am sensitive to the cold. I hate winter. It's August now, and summer is almost coming to an end, which is depressing me because I am NOT looking forwards to the cold weather. Even in the height of summer I feel cold. It's rare that I get etremely hot. Some say it must be low blood pressure.

I think this doesn't just occur in Aspies. A lot of people either hate the cold or hate the heat. Others aren't too bothered. Most people I know seem to hate the heat. But I get so hypersensitive to the cold, and I don't think it's low blood pressure. I think it's my body size, which is very skinny.


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13 Aug 2011, 3:58 pm

I am *very* sensetive to the heat, and I'm Irish so i sunburn quite easilly, I am very comfortable in the cold.

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13 Aug 2011, 3:58 pm



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13 Aug 2011, 4:00 pm

Much more sensitive to heat. In the winter you can just put more layers on to warm up... there is only so much you can take off in the summer without going to certain beaches! :lol:

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13 Aug 2011, 4:14 pm

I prefer the cold. You can always just layer your clothing--I absolutely hate the heat though. I'm from Miami and it's way too hot there. And I hate it when it's so sunny and bright outside since sunlight reflects off my glasses, causing me to feel blinded. And my skin gets all hot and sticky, I hate it. It's gross! And I'm very anal about my hygiene--I need to smell good at all times. I'm always checking my armpits and such and heat causes me to sweat! I don't like sweat!

Plus, I love wearing coats! They make you feel so nice and toasty.

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13 Aug 2011, 4:16 pm

I have raynauds (my fingers turn white and nails go purple when I'm cold) so I'd say I'm definitely overly sensitive to the cold.


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13 Aug 2011, 4:19 pm

Definitely the cold! Brrrrrrr! Heat doesn't bother me that much, at least until it gets above 110F, or so. The cold is another matter though. Anything below about 65F is freezing.

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13 Aug 2011, 4:24 pm

I'd say both - I freeze easily, I overheat easily. Except for water - I am fine in both colder water and warmer water than people tend to be. But I'd rather have the effects of seasons than live somewhere "comfortable" year round. They matter more to me than that, I just am careful about temperatures.

I'm strange in that I prefer temperatures slightly lower than I find comfortable because I love blankets that much.

My boyfriend is much more sensitive to heat than cold.


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13 Aug 2011, 4:28 pm

Heat generally bothers me more. As paperoceans said, you can always protect yourself against the cold, either by wearing more clothes or by going inside. There is no escape from the heat. I only know one other person who dislikes heat as much as I do, and he's also an Aspie. Then again, it's fairly uncommon to hate the heat in a country like the Netherlands where 30 Celsius is considered a heat wave. For me, 24 Celsius is about as high as it should get, and even that I dislike. 20 is perfect.

My body is mostly insensitive to cold. However, strangely enough, my hands and fingers will freeze very quickly. On a spring or autumn day, you can sometimes see me cycling with a t-shirt and gloves.

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13 Aug 2011, 4:52 pm

Definatly heat. I get really sick if I can't get cool in time. My parents were always getting on me for turning the air conditioner up on full blast or for standing with my head in the freezer. I would go outside and prance about in the snow in just shorts and a tank top and NEVER feel cold. I swear they got the idea for the mom in A Chistmas Story from my mom. I would start sweating in my winter clothes when it was below zero degree weather. The only thing I hated about winter was having to "bundle up". I sometimes feel like that Mr. Freeze dude from Batman.

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13 Aug 2011, 5:00 pm

Heat for sure.

Thankfully this year we've only had a few days of hot weather - I live in the UK, specifically in the North where it's cooler. Whenever the weather is hot I get VERY ILL with migraines, nausea, light-headedness and lack-of sleep, no matter what I do there's no way to cool down when weather is hot, and I can't stand sweating...I sweat like crazy no matter what, in the summer it's of course worse.


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13 Aug 2011, 5:04 pm

I tend to do well in almost all environments: heat, cold, rain, wind, nothing seems to phase me. I do, however, prefer the cold, as I do not have to deal with the incessant sweating associated with heat, and in the winter I get to wear my chullo without looking unusual.


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13 Aug 2011, 5:23 pm

Heat. Cold doesn't give me headaches and nausea, and you can always put more clothes on.


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13 Aug 2011, 5:29 pm

I hate both but heat edges it for me.

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13 Aug 2011, 5:31 pm

I used to love wintertime, but not anymore: the cold's a killer, even here in Florida. It must be poor circulation.


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13 Aug 2011, 5:51 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I am sensitive to the cold. I hate winter. It's August now, and summer is almost coming to an end, which is depressing me because I am NOT looking forwards to the cold weather. Even in the height of summer I feel cold. It's rare that I get etremely hot. Some say it must be low blood pressure.

I think this doesn't just occur in Aspies. A lot of people either hate the cold or hate the heat. Others aren't too bothered. Most people I know seem to hate the heat. But I get so hypersensitive to the cold, and I don't think it's low blood pressure. I think it's my body size, which is very skinny.

It doesn't just happen with autistic people, there are a lot of reasons for people to be hypersensitive to heat and/or cold (beyond just "hating" it). It can happen with fibromyalgia as well, for example.

I want to distinguish sensitivity vs. disliking it. Someone can dislike hot weather and be no more sensitive to the heat than anyone else. Someone else can be hypersensitive and react to heat at much lower temperatures than other people (I react to 75 degrees more like other people react to 85-90).

Your sensitivity to cold may simply be a sensory issue, like my sensitivity to heat and my mother's sensitivity to cold. Not just a matter of body size, but a matter of what signals your nervous system picks up.