Mildly Autistic in Delicacy 2011 (Audrey Tautou)

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24 May 2012, 7:02 pm

hi there,

i just watched "delicacy" with audrey tathou.... and i was happily suprised to see that the second main character has some symptomps of asperger syndrome.

in particulare he can't look her in the eyes, and raises the hand to "protect himself". This is clearly a sign of asperger. He furthermore is described as having a "big heart".... so is portrayed in a good maner, unlike many other movies with autistic characters.

did you notice that too?



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24 May 2012, 7:27 pm

antonblock wrote:
... raises the hand to "protect himself". This is clearly a sign of asperger.

I haven't seen this movie, but your post intrigued me. What is this hand-raising that is a clear sign of asperger's? Please describe. I've just never heard of it before


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25 May 2012, 3:53 am

.... you know, autistics have problems with eye contact. They can't look into other people's eye, at least not at all people, because they got overwhelmed senorily or emotionally or both. (ok there are other theories about this, but this is the short story)

In the movie the guy is also a rather quiet and doesn't look great. He is on the pecking order rather low, but audrey tautou somehow kisses him (in the movie ... in reality this rather doesnt happen... hehe :) ).... and when they get to know each other more, and its not yet guaranteed that they get together....

the guy meets her 2x ... the first time he looks at a completely different direction.... and the second time he puts the hand before his eyes, so that he doesn't have to see her face and eyes.... when she asks him what this means... he says he protects himself....

i am sure, that this character is thought to protray an lightly autistic person.... the script writer certainly knew about this.

overall, i think that this is a great film.... in the end ... the grandmother of her ... .she notices that he is abit different ... describes him as "having a great heart".... i think autistics are great in romance... and this is a great movie..... :-))

overall many people should see this movie... they would probably learn more about (lightly) autistic person than when reading "science books".... :) my point of view...

best regards,


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25 May 2012, 4:04 am

When its not sure if they get together or not there are two scenes which are explicitly "autistic": He doesn't look at there but looks at a different direction when talking, ... and shortly after... he puts his hand before his face.... he says he does this to protect himself before her....

this is typical for autistics.... who try to avoid eye and face contact, and have problems in social interaction, because they too overwhelmed... sensorily or emotionally, or both.

I think this movie is great .... thought it is not explicitly about autistics.... its among my favorite "autistic movies".... (besides "max & mary")....

i likeit.... and i think it would be great if more people would watch this with autism in mind.... then they would approach the topic in a more positive perspective :)



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25 May 2012, 4:07 am

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25 May 2012, 4:29 am

bnky wrote:
antonblock wrote:
... raises the hand to "protect himself". This is clearly a sign of asperger.

I haven't seen this movie, but your post intrigued me. What is this hand-raising that is a clear sign of asperger's? Please describe. I've just never heard of it before

I'm also intrigued by this. Never heard about "raising a hand to protect yourself" is a sign of Aspergers.

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25 May 2012, 7:05 am

hi there,

actually I think most autistics just look away.. (like in the first scene).... but putting the hand in front of the face certainly suits the same purpose, though is probably a more kind way of doing it.... yeah its a movie... its not 100% realistic :)


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25 May 2012, 7:06 am

Mummy_of_Peanut wrote:
<<Moved from GAD to TV, Film & Video and merged with thread in Getting to know each other>>

wow... that is possible to do... wow :-O

... btw, you got a sharp eye ;-)
