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05 Jan 2013, 1:21 am


First of all, thank you for this great forum, it has been a big help in coping with my life.
I have been browsing this forum since quite a while, a quarter to maybe even half a year until I decided I want to be part of the community. An internet friend introduced me to this forum, since then I regularity searched for advice on certain topics in life.

Some information about myself:
My nickname is (as you can see) Sylvastor. I choose it because the same internet friend jokingly said "Silvastor" to me and Sylvester was taken. I liked the mix of both so I chose it (by the way, the text-to-speech voice "Microsoft Anna" pronounces it in a funny way).
However, in case you should be lazy (not meant in a negative way!), you can just type Sly, I am completely fine with that.

My "diagnosis":
Right now, I am just self-diagnosed, Asperger's Syndrome. I intend to get an official diagnosis as long as I am still a teenager (I read it can be complicated the older you are). It was yet again the same internet friend mentioned above, if he wouldn't have pointed out that my weirdness could be due to the Asperger's Syndrome, I would still ask myself what is wrong with me.

I am visiting a psychologist, she has been a great help and good assistance in life.
She is youth psychologist. I like to refer to her as a debugger as I often feel robotic and what do you do with programmed machines? You have to debug them from time to time. ;)
Since I am 18 years old, soon to become 19, I had to make a decision: Stay for more or change, but I didn't want to change, so the decision was quite easy. She knows me very well and I can't even imagine changing to another psychologist. I wish I could stay there for my entire life but I am allowed to until I end my 21st year on this wrong planet, pun intended. I am really not looking forward to that day...
She did suspect there was something wrong with me, at first she thought it could be social anxiety, certain things didn't seem to fit though. During a short period, my parents, doctors and her even thought it could be depression, but she changed her opinion after one or two more sessions and thought it could be something different, however, she could not really identify what.
After reading a lot on many homepages about Asperger's Syndrome, I was reminded of myself more and more, it was something that seemed to explain everything.

I asked her "Could it be that I have Asperger's?". She seemed thoughtful at first, then she said "Yes, that would explain a lot!". She gave me a book about Asperger's, it was a book written by the aspie "Nicole Schuster", the book is called (in German): "Ein guter Tag ist ein Tag mit Wirsing", the English title should be: "A good day is a day with savoy".
It explains everything with the help of science and also gives insight into the mind of many autists such as Temple Grandin and even herself. I read that book with great interest and can only recommend it to any other German aspie on this forum!

My special interest:
My special interest/obession is game design and level design, I love it, it's that special something that makes my day a great day. It calms me down, relaxes me and I can be creative. It's basically art (which I love, I like to draw as well), but it is 3-dimensional art and you can interact with it and take a look at it from more than just one point of view! :D
I also like music and play (e-)guitar, flute/recorder and some keyboard. I own three guitars, one is an e-guitar, another one western (half accoustic guitar, half e-guitar) and a pure accoustic guitar.
Due to my main special interest (game design), I love gaming. I prefer creative and unrealistic games that take you into another world and I seem to mostly prefer old games to new ones, they often have a better depth and atmosphere in my opinion (I won't go into detail what the reasons are or I will type down pages about that topic :roll:).

Some other things about myself:
My preferred stim is quite clishé, it's rocking forth and back. When I am working on something at the PC, I usually do this. In fact, right now while typing this post, I'm doing it. It's so relaxing!

I hate changes (about a month ago, my parents decided to change some things in the living room, I still didn't get used to the changes :() and I hate it if someone from my family just enters my room and moves and/or changes stuff. This is a reason why I often do not want anybody to enter my room, especially not if I am busy with my special interest. I usually lock the door when I'm in my room. My family doesn't seem to like that though.

I guess I love the night, maybe because it's so quiet and nobody can interrupt me as everybody is asleep. This means I am free to go on with my special interest without being interrupted and risking to forget what I was supposed to do. :)

My mother seems to have some autistic traits as well, I gave her the book by Nicole Schuster and she is reading it everyday for a bit when she is going by bus to get to her working place.
Just yesterday when she came back she said "I think I might be aspie as well". This made me laugh, because in fact, my brother isn't a NT either (I will not go into detail because I doubt he would be fine about information being leaked about him).
Since I have read that if there is one parent that is/can be autistic, the children are more likely to have something from the spectrum as well.

I also have sensitive senses. I dislike unexpected/unwanted (little) touches, smell, noise and certain feelings on my tongue/certain tastes. However, sometimes it's not the taste, for example, I like the taste of olives, but as soon as they are longer than five seconds in my mouth, I feel the urge to puke. I don't know why.

I guess like most of you, I didn't make pleasant experiences with people of my age (lots of bullying for years), I also read the thread "The worst thing a bully has done to you" in the general autism discussion and just thought "wow". What some of you went through is just horrible! :(

For the unlikely case of questions about me, feel free to ask.

Also, thanks to this forum in a recent thread, I have a new favourite word: "Discombobulated", it's just awesome!
Thanks bumble/Ms Discombobulated! :D

On a side note: It took me ages to find the "post new thread" button, on most forums I use it is on the (top/bottom) right, here it's left.

And when I created my account here, I read the following sentence:

You will receive an email with a activation...

Shouldn't it be "an activation"? I'm not 100% sure, I'm not a native English speaker, is this because of the difference of British<->American English? I thought I would point that out in case it's wrong, eventually I will learn more about the English language as a side-effect of that.

Have a nice day, in case you read this (most likely) uninteresting and boring and long thread: Thanks for taking your time!
I'm so sorry for the length of my introduction, I just had to get rid of all this... And yes, I am aware of the "tl;dr-syndrome"... :oops:

Last edited by Sylvastor on 06 Jan 2013, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Jan 2013, 1:35 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet.


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05 Jan 2013, 1:37 am

it should be "an activation." it's probably a typo. welcome to wrong planet.


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05 Jan 2013, 2:14 am

Thank you!

I guess I will report the typo then.

Diagnosed with Aspergers.
BSP-errors are awesome.


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05 Jan 2013, 2:44 am

Welcome to WP!

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!

Now proficient in ChatGPT!


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05 Jan 2013, 4:39 am

Welcome to WP

you are either a loyal friend or you aren't my friend at all


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05 Jan 2013, 12:37 pm

It's a fellow German! Hi from Germany to Germany and welcome to WP, have fun.

Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett


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05 Jan 2013, 7:27 pm

Thank you! :D

And a hello to a German in Germany from Germany as well! I love sentences which contain lots of similar or same words, they seem to confuse people in conversations, it amuses me. :D

Diagnosed with Aspergers.
BSP-errors are awesome.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 Jan 2013, 11:04 am

Hey there,

Welcome to Wrongplanet! Good to have you aboard.

To Do:
Make signature.


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06 Jan 2013, 12:41 pm

Thank you!

I'm so happy I finally registered here, I already feel as if I am at home. :)
EDIT: Oh right, I AM at home. :lol:

Diagnosed with Aspergers.
BSP-errors are awesome.