canada declares boycott of israel to be hate crime

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21 May 2015, 3:32 pm

(clicky)canada's proposed plan to make boycotting Israel a hate crime on iffy legal ground
does this mean that if I express even the mildest objections to their treatment of the Palestinian people, that I'm somehow committing a hate crime? this is a scary tactic to censor opinion. where will it end? it seems the American virus has spread up to our northern neighbors.


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21 May 2015, 3:41 pm

auntblabby wrote:
(clicky)canada's proposed plan to make boycotting Israel a hate crime on iffy legal ground
does this mean that if I express even the mildest objections to their treatment of the Palestinian people, that I'm somehow committing a hate crime? this is a scary tactic to censor opinion. where will it end? it seems the American virus has spread up to our northern neighbors.

Um...I'm pretty sure the site you linked to didn't like "Israel" to begin with.


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21 May 2015, 3:44 pm

iBlockhead wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
(clicky)canada's proposed plan to make boycotting Israel a hate crime on iffy legal ground
does this mean that if I express even the mildest objections to their treatment of the Palestinian people, that I'm somehow committing a hate crime? this is a scary tactic to censor opinion. where will it end? it seems the American virus has spread up to our northern neighbors.

Um...I'm pretty sure the site you linked to didn't like "Israel" to begin with.

it should not matter whether or not the site "liked" Israel, the fact that the harper gov't is doing this at all is disquieting just the same.


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21 May 2015, 5:32 pm

It does smack of yellow journalism because its hard to believe that a Canadian head of state would propose something that crazy. But if he really is doing that-then- it's CRAZY!

Not nations agreeing to boycott a country (like the sanctions against Iran), but private individuals agreeing to boycott a does a government "outlaw" that?

Forget about the issues of which side is worse ( Israel or Palestine), or even if one side is bad- whether or not its SO bad that it deserves a boycott, or whether or not boycotts work, and so on, for a moment.

In practical terms how does a government forbid its people from 'boycotting' a foreign country?

Are they gonna send cops to follow you around Safeway to make sure you buy dates from Israel, and not from California?

The only thing they can arrest you for is for spreading the word about a boycott because I cant imagine how they could arrest you for participating in a boycott. So they would not be outlawing actions. They would be outlawing free speech.

And even you could make a case for forbidding free speech in this case- then what happens if China resumes beating up on the Tibetians, or on the Uighurs? Or if the Russian Republic returns to Soviet style beating up on Russian Jewry? Would it be "hate speech" to advocate boycotting those countries as well? It would set a strange precedent.


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21 May 2015, 6:44 pm


Only Harper could come up with such a ridiculous idea.


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21 May 2015, 9:24 pm

Well crap anymore Canada just makes me want to

as far as their government...what happened? I used to think it was a much more mellow more laid back place than the U.S was my perspective just skewed or did the right wing f***head party take over?

Oh and finally apparently Israel is being investigated for ethnic cleansing the Palestinians if I understand right apparently its out of the back that the Israeli military had repeatedly been given orders to shoot indiscriminately at anything that moves regardless of if it was unarmed it is just like what the Nazis did with the Jews pre-holocaust.
looks like Israel is guilty of hate crimes 8O

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21 May 2015, 9:45 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Oh and finally apparently Israel is being investigated for ethnic cleansing the Palestinians if I understand right apparently its out of the back that the Israeli military had repeatedly been given orders to shoot indiscriminately at anything that moves regardless of if it was unarmed it is just like what the Nazis did with the Jews pre-holocaust.

or what certain places closer to home have been doing to their darker-skinned inner city denizens for decades now. in Olympia [Washington] of all places, 2 unarmed black kids were ventilated by a panicked cop early this morning. in any case, to get back to Canada, the electorate up there better wake up and SOON!! ! before it is too late.

p.s. - inside Israel, concerned people have been fretting about their quasi-fascist tactics dealing with the palestinians for decades now.


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22 May 2015, 1:20 am

auntblabby wrote:
it seems the American virus has spread up to our northern neighbors.

Sadly for the world, the US has a good and rigid constitution with clear lines between what the government can do and what they can't (without a massive majority, which is something that rarely happens); whilst it's good for the US, it's not good if movements that start in the US spread to other countries that don't have such.

Your 1st Amendment is pure beauty.


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23 May 2015, 9:51 pm

There is no such thing as a "hate crime". Hating is never a crime, it is a mental attitude.


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24 May 2015, 7:48 pm

It's a crime when people abuse, murder, or just make other people miserable because they're different.
That being said, I think the Middle East is extremely sexist towards wo- uh oh, I hope the police aren't reading this. 8O


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25 May 2015, 8:24 pm

Yep that's a ridiculous, yet not utterly surprising, idea.

Sweetleaf wrote:

as far as their government...what happened? I used to think it was a much more mellow more laid back place than the U.S was my perspective just skewed or did the right wing f***head party take over?

Yes it was and then this guy got elected...
...And stayed elected for 9+ years! 8O

(Ok, maybe it's not all his fault, but good grief Canadian voters need to get it together next time).

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25 May 2015, 8:33 pm

WelcomeToHolland wrote:
Yep that's a ridiculous, yet not utterly surprising, idea.

Sweetleaf wrote:

as far as their government...what happened? I used to think it was a much more mellow more laid back place than the U.S was my perspective just skewed or did the right wing f***head party take over?

Yes it was and then this guy got elected...
...And stayed elected for 9+ years! 8O

(Ok, maybe it's not all his fault, but good grief Canadian voters need to get it together next time).

Canada's electorate has been infected by the American virus of voting for the pol who is perceived as most willing to screw over their perceived enemies [e.g., blacks, gays, women, lefties et al].