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Why do the antisemites refer to The Jew in singular form?
They are attempting to emphasize demonic nature of The Jew which is bound to be of mystical origin 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
They are attempting to emphasize demonic nature of The Jew which is bound to be of mystical origin 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
The hatred is the result of suppressed jealosity. What they are jealous about is spirituality that Jew has but they don't 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
The hatred is the result of suppressed jealosity. What they are jealous about is spirituality that Jew has but they don't 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
They are trying to emphasize that all Jews are so similar to each other that it is basically one Jew 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
They are trying to emphasize that all Jews are so similar to each other that it is basically one Jew 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
They are trying to emphasize that all Jews conspire with each other to the point of acting as a unit 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
They are trying to emphasize that all Jews conspire with each other to the point of acting as a unit 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
I see nothing poetic/spiritual in The Jew being singular. I don't know what are you talking about 22%  22%  [ 4 ]
I see nothing poetic/spiritual in The Jew being singular. I don't know what are you talking about 22%  22%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 18


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23 Jun 2005, 10:06 pm

I have noticed that when antisemites talk about their opinions about Jews sometimes they refer to them as "The Jew" in a singular form, even though they really mean "Jews". Did anyone wonder why? Personally to me it sounds really poetic/spiritual when The Jew is referred in a singular form. If not, then how about "Eternal Jew", THAT one is trully sounds spiritual. And it is kind of paradoxical that Hitler would use such a poetic term "Eternal Jew" instead of "f****d up Jew" or whatever else. Do any of you wonder why?

I do know the story of Eternal Jew. As centuries passed after Jews killed Jesus, antisemites began to wonder why the Jewish race survives despite God's wrath on it. So they came up with an extra-biblical story that would supposedly explain it. Namely, when Jesus was carrying a cross he wanted to take a break alone the way and some man, who was Jewish, didn't let him. So Jesus told him "I will rest, but you will never rest" and he put on him a Curse that made that guy live forever, never die; but his life is all about moving from place to place and never finding home. People who believe in that story claim that this one man is the one person embodiment of teh Jewish race as a whole since shortly after the Jews crucified Jesus, they were expelled from the holy land and were never finding the place to stay as they were booted from country to country. And, just like that guy, the Jewish race has some mystical immortality to it given how it survives despite being universally hated.

Either way, from my perspective that story still doesn't fully explain why would Hitler actually CHOOSE it as a title of his book, among all other possible titles. After all, yes Jew is eternal. But Jew is also Christ-killing. So why did Hitler choose "eternal Jew" instead of "Christ-killing Jew"? This choice certainly says something that even in case of Hitler, the hatred towards Jews is NOT the same as the hatred to the rest of minority groups. Namely, the Jew-hatred has spiritual/mystical component to it.

It seems like this phenomena is singular to The Jew. No one who hates blacks would call them "eternal black" and no one who hates homosexuals will refer to them as "eternal gay". I have several thoughts on the issue. Perhaps given how Jews are hated for being children of the devil, and devil is something mystical, antisemites want to use mystical terms in order to emphasize the fact that it isn't the usual eartly hatred going on. There is also another possibility -- perhaps Hitler was hopping to put a Curse on The Jew, and, as discussed in another poll I was making, Curses have to be poetic. I guess those two thoughts are in the same dirrection but there is slight difference. In first case, Hitlre is simply emphasizing their already-mystical/satanic state. In the second case, Hitler attempts USING mysticism to PUT even more Curses on them. Or instead it might be possible that actually The Jew is spiritual in a good way and antisemites are simply jealous. They suppress it to the point of sincerely believing that The Jew is inferior; however their suppressed thoughts give themselves away in the fact that they would use such terms as Eternal Jew. Perhaps their excessive self-deception led them to the point that they don't even see Eternal Jew as poetic and to them it is a slur??? Or perhaps neither of the above. perhaps Jews do have some mystical power, which is NEITHER good NOR bad. And this power simply scares ppl who can't understand it and cause ppl to hate them. So since mystical power around The Jew is what originally inspired the hatred, the mystical-looking titles such as Eternal Jew would inspire more hatred? Or perhaps BECAUSE of the fact that they want Jew dead on the first place, they are SO frustrated that he is eternal that the word "eternal" in such context becomes a slur? It is also possible that they are simply trying to emphasize the way all Jews thorughout different countries and generations are so similar to each other that they are like one person. Or perhaps their conspiracy makes them act as a unit. Or perhaps simply when you see "Jews" you will automatically insert "most", but when you see "the Jew" you won't even ask yourself as to whether or not there might be exceptions? Or may be I am reading into it too much. After all they do say "THE MAN doesn't understand THE WOMAN" and make it singular even though nothing mystical is attached to man/woman? Anyway please let me know what you think.


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24 Jun 2005, 9:11 pm

Huh? :?


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24 Jun 2005, 9:20 pm

Bec wrote:
Huh? :?

Okay let me make it brief and sweet. To me, whenever you refer to many Jews as "The Jew" in singular, it sounds a bit mystical. So I feel like may be they are hinting at mystical statnic powers that surroung the Jew. Now I might just be one person. I don't know WHY Hitler referrs to Jews in singular. Hence I made this post/poll to ask for other people's opinions.


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24 Jun 2005, 9:28 pm

Roman wrote:
Bec wrote:
Huh? :?

Okay let me make it brief and sweet. To me, whenever you refer to many Jews as "The Jew" in singular, it sounds a bit mystical. So I feel like may be they are hinting at mystical statnic powers that surroung the Jew. Now I might just be one person. I don't know WHY Hitler referrs to Jews in singular. Hence I made this post/poll to ask for other people's opinions.

Okay, I see what you mean. It's done to demean them. Hitler treated Jews as if they were animals (or even worse than that). Calling them Jews would mean that they were a group made up of individual people. Using the singular removes the individual. They weren't people to him, they were all the same. There is no mysticism involved.


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24 Jun 2005, 9:33 pm

Yah but to my ear the word "Jew" when used in singular in reference to many has some kind of mystical component to it. Animals don't have anything mystical to them thats why the very fact that he treats them as animals would make it even harder to understand why would he refer to them in such a poetic way. You aren't going to say "eternal DOG" are you. And if you have a bunch of dogS you aren't going to refer to them as The Dog. Yes perhaps Hitler did infer that the mystical spirit around The Jew is evil, but he still haven't treated The Jew as animal since he chose such a poetic/spiritual way to refer to Him.


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25 Jun 2005, 12:33 am

Turks are called The Turk too. Not sure where it comes from.


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25 Jun 2005, 12:51 am

Postperson wrote:
Turks are called The Turk too. Not sure where it comes from.

I never heard about The Turk. So can you be more specific, which group of ppl is more likely to call them The Turk? Are ppl who refer to them as The Turk have distinctly positive or distinctly negative views about them?


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25 Jun 2005, 1:20 pm

Roman, how could you think that 'the Jew' could have any mystical meaning when it is used to demean them? People who say that think Jewish people are evil scum. As for the 'eternal Jew', Hitler saw the Jews as the cause of evil throughout history and the cause of evil needed to be conquered.


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25 Jun 2005, 2:19 pm

Maybe "Jews" sounds too much like "Juice"? Some accents would make them sound the same. "Moose" is plural for "Moose" simply because "meese" is taken and mooses sounds funny.



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25 Jun 2005, 5:28 pm

I think it's an old fashioned usage: the englishman, the inuit, the jew, the turk.


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25 Jun 2005, 8:41 pm

I've been thinking about this. I agree with Postperson that it appears to be a usage style.

I have heard "The left-handed tend to have more accidents in the kitchen, possibly because most utinsels are made for right handed people," "The poor.....," "The rich...........," "The better educated.......," ect.

Generally it seems to be used when it is meant to indicate most, but not necessarily all, of a group.

For example: "The Hmong started moving to Minnesota in the late 1980s." The speaker meant, and was understood to mean, although some Hmong people may have moved into Minnesota before this, this is the date that a larger group started moving in.

It also *seems* to include a slight us vs. them undertone in many cases.



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25 Jun 2005, 9:12 pm

I don't know, but it sounds like an attempt at dehumanization - trying to make them sound like some species of insect or something (kind of like how they had all those sick and disturbing childrens cartoons or comics where they were teaching children how to pick out the 'poison mushroom').

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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01 Jul 2005, 11:36 pm

Bec wrote:
Roman, how could you think that 'the Jew' could have any mystical meaning when it is used to demean them? .

Because you can demean someone via mystecism. See my other post "do you think Curses enhence spirituality". Thats how!! !


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02 Jul 2005, 8:09 pm

Okay. :|


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05 Jul 2005, 9:24 pm

Hey I just looked at the Eternal Jew online ... ernal.html
and I noticed at least ONE description of the picture (Charlie Chaplin one) that doesn't sound so negative but instead sounds like some kind of emotional complexity, even though it is written by Nazi's themselves. Here is the quote I am referring to:

"Caption: "Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan. The Galician Charlie Chaplin (whose mother was born Thonstein) emigrated to America. Along with Jackie Coogan, who also came from the East (Jacob Cohen), their tear-jerking comedy makes poverty both pitiable and laughable, reaching the tear ducts of the innocent viewers. The slapstick gang of this flat-footed, clumsy, impoverished yet eternally generous man with the huge shoes was a sensation for the non-Jews. Flat-footed but noble--that is Charlie Chaplin's formula. (pp. 67-68)"

If anyone can see anything slanderous in above quote, please help me out. I am at lost on this one:)