[ POLL ] Are you offended when people criticize Trump?

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Are you personally offended when people criticize President Donald J. Trump?
Definitely YES! 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Mostly Yes. 9%  9%  [ 5 ]
I Don't Care. 17%  17%  [ 9 ]
Mostly No. 11%  11%  [ 6 ]
Definitely NO! 60%  60%  [ 32 ]
Total votes : 53


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11 Jan 2019, 10:02 am

Are you personally offended when people criticize President Donald J. Trump? Does it annoy you when people point out his tyrannical behavior, his offensive words, and his general ignorance of facts? Are you sick of the constant barrage of cynicism and nastiness directed towards the White House?

Give the questions some serious thought before you answer -- you can change your answer later if you want.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:08 am

Trump is somebody who is threatening the reputation of the United States within a world context (not that previous Presidents and policies didn't do that previously---but Trump is definitely making it worse).

I believe there is the possibility that he is, slowly and insidiously, attempting to make himself a dictator. I believe this has to be watched. I have faith, though, that our system of Checks and Balances will "check" Trump before he succeeds in this endeavor.

I wouldn't be "offended" if some Democrat was criticized, by the way. Even "progressive, liberal" Democrats. Even those whose ideas I am in total accord with.

Free exchange of ideas is a fundamental aspect of our national life. Obviously, this is not followed perfectly. But I do believe we should aspire to this ideal.

Last edited by kraftiekortie on 11 Jan 2019, 10:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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11 Jan 2019, 10:12 am

(Topic fits better in PPR as not directly linked to News/Current)

It doesn't bother me in the slightest as most of his actions deserve it, but what does bug me a bit is "should we stoop to his level? We need a higher standard so that we can show how bad he is. Thus links and proof of his ineptitude are better than mere name-calling, however tempting it is to do so.

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11 Jan 2019, 10:20 am

envirozentinel wrote:
(Topic fits better in PPR as not directly linked to News/Current)
(Agreed. Thanks for the move!)
envirozentinel wrote:
It doesn't bother me in the slightest as most of his actions deserve it, but what does bug me a bit is "should we stoop to his level? We need a higher standard so that we can show how bad he is. Thus links and proof of his ineptitude are better than mere name-calling, however tempting it is to do so.
Yeah ... well ... :oops: ... <*cough*> ... uhh ... I'll say that we're not just stooping to HIS level, but to the level of his apologists, enablers, and supporters -- most of whom seem to have levels of articulation, cognition, and perception on par with Mr. Trump. Utilizing their vernacular seems to facilitate the apprehension of our opinions more readily.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:22 am

I don't care if people criticize Trump in the least. I believe in equal opportunity criticism.

That is, I am offended by people that I've known who, for whatever reasons believe that Trump can do no wrong.

However, I'm also offended by people who, for whatever reasons felt that criticizing Obama when he was in office or anything on "the left" today is forbidden or that "the left" can do no wrong.

In both cases, blind extreme partisanship offends me. It's not rational. It's wrong. It's flawed. It's nonsensical. It's misguided. It's dangerous. It's pathetic. It's ignorant. It's a shame.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:29 am

Everybody gets criticized. The only things that matter are whether or not the criticism is valid and how people react to it.

Most of the criticism against Mr. Trump seems to be valid, but the only people who seem to be bothered by it are his fans -- Mr. Trump seems to be mostly oblivious to his critics.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:34 am

Definitely no, without the exclamation point. However if I see what I consider flaws in what's being said, I'm going point them out.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:36 am

Fnord wrote:
Everybody gets criticized. The only things that matter are whether or not the criticism is valid and how people react to it.

Most of the criticism against Mr. Trump seems to be valid, but the only people who seem to be bothered by it are his fans -- Mr. Trump seems to be mostly oblivious to his critics.

"....and how people react to it." This part is often under emphasized by many people as to its significance.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:39 am

I just think it's a waste of time criticising him for his PERSONAL qualities, as offensive as they are. Everybody knows he's a racist, a sexist, a narcissist and a psychopath. Trump supporters don't seem (sadly) to care about those things. Instead, he should be attacked for his backward, corporatist, exploitative policies.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:48 am

kraftiekortie wrote:

I believe there is the possibility that he is, slowly and insidiously, attempting to make himself a dictator. I believe this has to be watched. I have faith, though, that our system of Checks and Balances will "check" Trump before he succeeds in this endeavor.

He made a comment about a year ago when he was praising the Chinese leader that made my warning light go off. Basically his statement was about potentially changing the laws to allow him to stay in office for life and how he would love that. I do not care if it was somehow reported out of context or not, it is an innapropriate thing for someone in his position to say. I see shades of 1930’s Germany in that statement.

My answer to the above poll was defiantly no. I used to be a republican, but have basically given up on them because of what I saw happen in my home state of Kansas. Now I support the best candidate rather than the party that they belong to.


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11 Jan 2019, 10:50 am

The fact that he might declare a "national emergency" rings warning bells, too.

Many a dictator ruled under "martial law" or a "national emergency."


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11 Jan 2019, 10:53 am

Not at all, because that's what the 1st amendment is all about. We have the freedom to criticize people, agree or disagree with them, et al.

Not offended when people criticize the Dems either.

I do, however, take issue with the “If you disagree with me, you hate me” mindset that some people have, sometimes expanded to “If you disagree with me, you hate everybody in my demographic”. Comments such as “if Obama were white, you would have supported ACA”, or “if Hillary were a man, you would have voted for her”, are examples.

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11 Jan 2019, 11:27 am


It just outrages me how folks get this mysterious "Trump Derangement Syndrome".

Just because he is thoroughly unfit for office, and has no respect for the rule of law, and is a lying narcissist doesn't mean that you hafta, dwell on the fact the he is a lying narcissist, unfit for office, and has no respect for the rule of law.

Cant some folks stop talking about Trump,and get a life, and take up knitting, or something?


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11 Jan 2019, 11:50 am

We HAVE got some members that knit! Very well too! :D

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11 Jan 2019, 5:45 pm

envirozentinel wrote:
We HAVE got some members that knit! Very well too! :D


There ya go! :D


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11 Jan 2019, 5:53 pm

No I’m offended when they say trump supporters are nazis, stupide, racist, etc

They say bad stuff about trump we disagree next thing you l wo we being called names