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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Dec 2021, 3:08 pm

I've had a number of jobs in life including retiring from the Army. I have excelled at sales until I became overwhelmed because I didn't manage my stress. I'm starting my career in driving soon and I'm really excited. I've worked through the pandemic and its become harder and harder to deal with people because the rudeness levels are unbearable. My thought is that being alone and driving over the road will give me the peace I'm looking for. What kind of jobs are everyone doing and loving :heart: ?


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08 Dec 2021, 3:28 pm

Some suggestions I have (I wish I had done them myself when I was planning my working career) are surveyer (I feel this job fulfills the need for #s and being accurate that many HSA people have); home inspector, fish hatchery, forestry (to include game warden). I used to work with ex-truckers and they did not speak highly about the trucking industry ( they would tell me they would deliver a load to Miami in the morning; they would then be asked could they deliver a load by the following morning to Phila. They would tell me they had to accept because they owned their own rig and they wanted more business).


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08 Dec 2021, 3:34 pm

It takes at least 18 hours driving at 60 mph to get to Philly from Miami.


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09 Dec 2021, 3:41 pm

Best job I remember having was my last one. Had it for three years. Working in a recycling/processing factory. Loud and fast paced. But very methodical. I started on the bottom floor which had three stations. I started with one. But once I mastered it and realised that station two was close and used the same machinery, I took station two over and operated it along with station one.

Eventually I took over station three. Then I owned the floor. Next to no social interference and everything synchronised.

The downsize was that it could get so busy that I skipped all breaks in order to catch up. But overall, I miss it.

I learned that everything running smoothly is more important than decibels and pace.

assumption makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mption'.


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09 Dec 2021, 3:47 pm

The best job I ever had was as head of Technical Services at a midwest university's Physics department.

I got to "play" with things like scanning electron microscopes, high-power lasers, and magnetic resonance spectrometers.  They even let me blow things up in the interest of science.  Sadly, I got sick of the political fights between the "hard money", "soft money", and unionized employees and left for quieter environments.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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16 Feb 2023, 10:23 am

i'm unemplyed software engineer, had many jobs in the past but always got fired for some reason...
I'm 42 now, no one wants to hire me anymore...
The sad thing is that software development has always be my hobby I do on the side, but nowaydays it seems noone gives a sh*t about you being a nerd...I will write more about this topic in the future

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Feb 2023, 3:12 am

TheUndiagnosed wrote:
i'm unemplyed software engineer, had many jobs in the past but always got fired for some reason...
I'm 42 now, no one wants to hire me anymore...
The sad thing is that software development has always be my hobby I do on the side, but nowaydays it seems noone gives a sh*t about you being a nerd...I will write more about this topic in the future

You can always become a freelancer, helping people to fix their computers. :)


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17 Feb 2023, 3:47 am

JustMeAdam wrote:
I've had a number of jobs in life including retiring from the Army. I have excelled at sales until I became overwhelmed because I didn't manage my stress. I'm starting my career in driving soon and I'm really excited. I've worked through the pandemic and its become harder and harder to deal with people because the rudeness levels are unbearable. My thought is that being alone and driving over the road will give me the peace I'm looking for. What kind of jobs are everyone doing and loving :heart: ?

I am a oil and stock market investor and pastor/church planter/missionary/community organizer.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 May 2023, 6:32 pm

I'm still unemployed,
I need to move my ass!


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29 May 2023, 7:42 pm

My list, in order of first to last + comments (life story, kinda also)

Deli/Liquor store - closed deli, learned register, though being underaged, I could only ring up "sammiches" and the like. Partied a lot in it, after hours. Was pretty fun, but of course, it was a just a deli, and the pay was meager.

Beach clean-up/maintenance - was awesome, as I got to surf beforehand, or when the conditions were too good to be working (as long as we had certain stuff taken care of first) (I would later sour on surfing, but that has nothing to do work) Could only work half the year, otherwise the city would be forced to give us benefits.

Sunglasses stores - Manned two different stores, and a cart. The most boring job I ever had. I do not recommend retail (I can go much deeper on what types of jobs SHOULD be abolished, but not here)

Nurseries - staffed 3 different stores. Turns out this was not for me, as I cannot sell anything, even if my life depended on it. I'll be fired for the first time at the 3rd one.

Coffee roaster/wholesale/retail warehouse - This one was "cozy". Relatively small, local chain, and the workforce was small enough that you pretty knew everybody. Got to do the delivery runs, which I found I liked to do. "Re-met" and worked with a semi-life-long S.O. there. I'd do that again, doesn't need to be coffee. I also liked being fairly responsible for the inventory of the retail warehouse. I kinda identify now with my "weird" manager there. Sad that he was so disliked/derided amongst/by many of the staff. It was a different time.

Homecare for grandparents - unfortunately unavoidable. Was there moreso to keep my S.O. company while she was with them. Yes, my GF took care of my GPs. I left my first S.O. for her.

Another nursery - this one only lasted from spring to winter. Owner was a jerk. Made me think I could run my own.

Small "boutique" law office - Fun job. Focus of firm was non-litigatory. Got introduced to using a computer for work. Attorney was very nice... (loss of word ugh) calm and caring with me, first time in my life. Made me cry. Began to drink around this time.

My last "real" job - Fairly large law firm. Was a runner first, then an AP clerk. Obviously best pay ever with this one. Certain things I liked and excelled at, but overall I do not care for ever doing that again. Almost 7 years, started drinking heavily, then...

UNEMPLOYED SINCE 2011! Lost everything! Couldn't find employment ever again! Yeah capitalism!

WPs Three Word Story (WIP)
My text only website
"Imagine Life Without Money"


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30 May 2023, 9:37 am

I just wind up in cleaning jobs. It requires more common sense than skills or knowledge, as I'm not very good at learning.

For example, I clean at a bus garage, and I'd like to be an engineer but it isn't easy being an engineer. There's a lot to learn, a lot of training to be done, and it requires a lot of logic and patience, two things I struggle with for a start (I mean I even struggle with building puzzles). Engineering is something you have to be dedicated to, and if you're like me (quickly lose interest or become stressed easily) then it's not worth it.

What I would like to do though is work in a morgue. Not dissecting bodies so much (as that also requires learning, training and knowledge), but cleaning. Surely morgues require cleaners. I wouldn't mind that, as I do have a fascination with dead bodies (oh but not dead children or animals).


Winters Gate

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30 May 2023, 1:40 pm

I've had I really enjoyed.

The first was working for the behind the scenes making sure the carriers in an.organized fashion.

The second was doing upkeep on the machines at a factory that made processors for computers.

Neither involved interacting with the general public which was a major plus for me.

Gentleman Argentum

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30 May 2023, 7:22 pm

Best job I ever had is the one I am working now in technical support.

My advice for others is to be patient, watch and wait for the opportunity to land a good job with a good company. If you don't like your current job, then don't remain there, but definitely start looking for another one. Be friendly and try to get to know people's names. It definitely helps.

Lastly, don't sweat the small stuff. Half the stuff we worry about does not add up to a hill of beans.

Just a few of my favorite things: music, chess, weather.


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30 May 2023, 11:19 pm

If it weren’t for the fact everybody and their brother in the family was against it, I’d be happy as a chorister in the Chicago Symphony Chorus. The only thing I ever wanted to do full time was to make music. Now, in the twilight of my years, due to deteriorating physical and mental health, I can’t do it as B much as I used to.