Why does it seem I'm always the one with bad luck?

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27 Apr 2024, 3:44 pm

I've today been trying to book holidays off work and I have to use itrent to do it but I kept having my passwords or usernames being invalid when I thought they were ones I used before. I have to get it booked before 30th otherwise I'll miss out on any holiday time off and it's been upsetting me because I was telling my manager it needs to be booked and she hadn't done because one time her excuse was she was "tired" and also she wasn't always available in store.

Not only that but other things include having a car that has a sensor that beeps whenever I'm driving for no reason even though the car doors are shut or locked and there are times when I lock the driver door and it keeps unlocking the passenger door at the same time. I had occasions in the past where tyres have burst and other issues happen to it.

It makes me think why do I seem to have bad luck happening to me and why is it that anything that it is supposed to be simple so bloody hard ?


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27 Apr 2024, 4:13 pm

Everyone has bad luck. You're just more likely to notice your own, cos it happens to you. You're less likely to notice others', cos you're not around when it happens.

Life ain't perfect. Not for anyone. These things don't just happen to you. Sometimes things happen for reasons beyond our control. Sometimes things happen cos we don't do anything to prevent them.

If you're having trouble with passwords, find ways to keep track of them better, so you won't have password problems. Now that you know your manager is flakey in that regard, take more action to make sure it gets done. All cars break eventually. Getting them fixed is part of owning a car. Sometimes cars break out of nowhere. Sometimes cars break cos the owner doesn't properly maintain their car.

Not saying you don't have valid complaints - but they're not unique or exclusive to you. And dealing with these inconveniences is part of navigating life. Anything is hard until you do it enough to get better at it.


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27 Apr 2024, 4:22 pm

I feel like I've got to a point now where because after more than 15 minutes of waiting for link to reset my usernames and passwords on Itrent and nothing has been received on my email, my frustration is causing me to feel Well I'm still going on those holidays off work anyway because I have not seen my Nan who lives in France since my Granddad passed away in January and last time I saw both of them was in May 2023 and my trip to Naples with Dad and my stepmum has been booked anyway despite them not having been booked on the system. I just feel like I've had enough of these technical problems in trying to access something just to book some time off. We've got 8 people working in my shop now, surely someone won't mind covering me or if people from other shops can do so. I've had no holiday time off work since Christmas.


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28 Apr 2024, 5:09 pm

Although technical problems can be annoying, they are something everyone faces at some point. These things happen to people all the time. "Luck" has nothing to do with it - good or bad. That's just life. I don't know anyone who doesn't have these issues. It's not like life is singling you out in some way.

I'm sorry you're having these issues, but they are pretty normal commonplace everyday issues that most people deal with on a reasonably regular basis.


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29 Apr 2024, 11:24 am

I think I'm one of the luckiest people alive but if you looked at my life on paper you wouldn't know why I think the way I do

I think luck is maybe subjective or personal to the person

I'm sorry you feel unlucky man

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