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20 Jan 2008, 11:19 am

I tried to open itunes today to update my ipod, and instead, the hourglass appears next to the mouse pointer for a few seconds, and then disappears, and nothing happens. ITUNES won't open! WHat the f*** is wrong with apple here? WHY can't anything work right nowadays? I WANT MY ITUNES BACK!! !! F**K!! ! I also hope that the loser-heads at Apple read this and get off their fat lazy butts and fix this stupid problem ASAP!


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20 Jan 2008, 11:27 am

You tried reinstalling itunes? After a period of Itunes not being too bad it seems to be getting worse again, mine will only open now after a message telling me it isnt installed correctly.

Try looking in task manager for dead instances of itunes and kill them off before you start it, or plug your ipod in and see if the Ipod service picks it up and starts itunes correctly.

Emu Egg
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20 Jan 2008, 12:19 pm

you might want to read this, they have suggestions for fixing the problem here: ... -open.html

hope that helps.

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20 Jan 2008, 2:03 pm


I am horribly sorry... but windows is probably the biggest buggiest piece of trash i have used...

it is very slow on most machines, and Apple software on windows is just sub par... Apple software belongs on a Apple computer...

please get a mac!

check out my website at {redacted by admin - domain taken over and points to a porn site}

When in doubt, ask an autistic. Chances are, they're obsessed with what you need to know. :roll:

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20 Jan 2008, 3:52 pm

I feel you man. I just spent half of my week re-installing Windows twice because everything stopped working. I have Vista, which is a nightmare. If you do re-install iTunes, be aware that you'll have to manually authorize your computer this time. This is pretty simple once you know what it means. I didn't at first. It's in the help section. But yeah, I would re-install iTunes. Sounds like it's not functioning correctly and with things like that it's easier than trying to de-bug it.

They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.

Emu Egg
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21 Jan 2008, 2:07 am

You shouldn't get mad at Apple for your own sh***y computer. Nearly always (unless you own a Mac or someone built the computer for you) consumers own PoS OEM computers that are stuffed to the brim with adware and a ton of background services that are just waiting to break any application that may wish to spawn into userspace.

-Uninstall iTunes and anything you are not using/expired-trialware
-Clean out all the crap out of your computer with applications like AutoRuns (see below)
-Uninstall* the Anti-Virus (probably Symantec*) that came with your computer and install something better (see below) that wont break your computer.
-After all this reinstall iTunes and attempt again.
Note: there will be much restarting, have fun.

Uninstall* hah! good luck if it's Symantec ;)
Symantec* zomg he said symantec sucks, can't be true! I professionally maintain and optimize servers and have had jobs repairing consumer computers. Just trust me... Symantec breaks everything...

AutoRuns: ... 63902.aspx

Best (30 day trial):
Good, but free:


Better yet, just reinstall Windows! ;)


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24 Jan 2008, 7:27 pm

Instead of blowing your money buying a Mac. [Especially Just to use a Ipod that will work perfectly under Windows if configured correctly.] Format you hard drive and reinstall Windows 2000/XP/Vista. If your using a recovery cd take off all the OEM crap/ trials installed on hard drive and features you don`t need. Example, I work with IBM/ Lenovo Computers at my volunteer Tech Helper Job at school. I made a list of what we delete/ settings we remove for optimal performence after using Recovery CD. Heres the list.

Any IBM Software that is not drivers
Trialware[Incluing whats in Prog. Files/ Start Menu.]
Online Services
System Tray Icons[ This includes display properties]
Antivirus/ Protection Software [Just get Symantec for $30 or AVG for Free.]
Proprietory Media Players[ RealPlayer, Ect.]

After that i would dim down color to 16-Bit w/ a 1024X768 Resolution.[Unless you need higher resolutions.] Remove any features that windows has but you don`t use and set Windows to optimize computer for best performence. [You can also turn off fading effects and mouse shadows..] Then run Itunes and see what happens.[If you have a Hard Drive below 160GB this is suggested so you can sync your Ipod with plenty of space left.]

Worked with IBM`s for 18 Years and never got any issues once i done that. Macs are good but are very overpriced an wouldn`t buy them as in Macs are hard to Upgrade. Kept this computer or get something like a IBM, Acer, HP Or Lenovo PC.[Dells, Gateways, and Compaqs are complete crap.]

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29 Jan 2008, 12:32 pm

Get A Mac??
I also thought from the way they present themselves,...this is true
but my friend got a new 30GB ipod and he can't use it on his mac because it only works with new itunes and his "MAC" needs a new operating system to handle it
PC's are almost disposable, so I'll stick in that realm

i have mp3 players,..simple 1-see file 2-drag file, 3-drop file...the end
my friend had a nano and thought it did not work, i said okay give it to me
it's mine now, works great,..i don't use itunes for it
i used real player,...i drag files into the real player thing and simple...done
another friend has a 3gb one, worked the same way
some other kid gave me his 8GB video one and it was way more picky
i have not given it much try so at this point i need to use it with itunes
i'm gonna try it again through floola

i don't think anybody is dumb if they get lost trying to manage music with itunes/ipod
it's relatively more difficult
like most things, the more you mess around with it the better you'll know it

i think getting angry at it all is awesome
everybody at some point has had some petty problem or major that initially frustrates the hell out of them
only later can you go back and say you over reacted
so, get pissed
makes sense to me

do the little "view hidden files" folder option if you want things off your ipod
and your music is still in the itunes folder
i say, learn a different program
itunes is wack
i'm not a pc
i'm not a mac
i'm a broke human


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30 Jan 2008, 7:51 pm

Strapples wrote:

I am horribly sorry... but windows is probably the biggest buggiest piece of trash i have used...

it is very slow on most machines, and Apple software on windows is just sub par... Apple software belongs on a Apple computer...

please get a mac!

But Windows is easier to use than Mac.


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30 Jan 2008, 8:02 pm

Berserker wrote:
Strapples wrote:

I am horribly sorry... but windows is probably the biggest buggiest piece of trash i have used...

it is very slow on most machines, and Apple software on windows is just sub par... Apple software belongs on a Apple computer...

please get a mac!

But Windows is easier to use than Mac.

Not to mention you can play games on a PC, whereas the Mac's selection is minuscule and expensive.

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31 Jan 2008, 2:41 am

screw mac. Install a linux like ubuntu. I managed to pare down an install to 1.4 gigs, and at idle, after a boot, the system was only using 80 megabytes. Once I started up firefox(yeah, that was still on it at that size), I navigated to youtube, started a video.. i was only using 110 megs of ram! That was simply an experiment.

Wine or Cedega will allow you to play many windows games, and there is growing support for native linux versions of these games. For example, I have a linux version of eve online installed.

My practical install is about 4 gigs of 4 gigs of system. 3.71 to be precise. My /home partition, what would be the installed software and documents such as movies and things comes to another 14 gigs. The bare minimal windows boot is 22 gigs. I havent booted to windows on that computer in weeks.