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12 Mar 2009, 11:38 pm

I'm really sad because I had my sweet kitty put to sleep this evening. I've never had to make a decision like that and it was terrible. But she had been getting sicker and as bad as it sounds to say it weirder each day. She was at least 17 yrs old but the vet said she might be 19 or even past 20. I adopted her as a mature adult cat and had her 10.5 yrs. The vet said she had a brain tumor was why she was acting so odd. During her exam she walked around and around in circles, with her head tilted sideways howling so I knew the vet knew what she was talking about. She had attacked me last night and she had never been that kind of kitty, never bit or scratched me. The vet questioned me a lot about her and said she probably had a seizure is why she attacked me in my sleep.

I just had to say that Siesta Stringchaser, the best cat that has ever walked the Earth died tonight at 6pm Pacific time. :cry: She took her last breath as I held her tight in my arms. It started snowing when she died. I feel very sad and alone tonight in the world. I miss her. Nobody has ever loved me as much as she did. I don't know how I will go on without her.


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12 Mar 2009, 11:43 pm

We had an old cat that we had t put to sleep too, he was becoming senile with age (he was harassing some of the other cats sexually o.O even the males, and he was sh*****g and pissing at any given moment -.- ) and he had a rare stomach disease that made him digest too fast, resulted in him being famished and my mom (who is turning out to be a real crazy cat woman, in a bad way) kept giving him food (oh she still gives her 3 cats something even slightly bigger than a tablespoon of cat food) -.- I'm not really sad he's gone, but i guess that comes with AS <.< .


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12 Mar 2009, 11:50 pm

That sucks. RIP. :(

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13 Mar 2009, 12:15 am

Well Siesta might have done a lot of weird stuff but I still loved her and wish I could have been euthanized along with her. She used to get lost in her litter box and lost if she walked between the door and the wall and I would have to go rescue her. And she threw up on the carpet but I guess its like having babies you love them even if you do have to change their dirty diapers and get spit up on.

Now I realize why she got all lovey dovey with me about a month ago to the point she was driving me nuts rubbing up against me every time I sat down. She knew it was her last days. Even if I hadn't put her to sleep I think she probably wouldn't have lasted another month the way I saw her decline more each day. She gave me a look today that told me it was the day. The vet probably thought I was freakin nutso telling her to say hi to my other two cats in heaven for me. I'm sure they can hear through those thin doors. I wonder if other people talk to their pets the way I did? I was even talking to her dead body afterwards hoping her soul was still close enough to hear. I feel bad about all the times I got aggravated with her. Maybe Aspies shouldn't have pets or kids or spouses or anything. She did teach me a little empathy though I think.


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13 Mar 2009, 12:48 am

I'm sorry to hear that. :(

Our cat had to be put down in August 2007. My grandfather died not long before that. It was a sad summer.

It was my mother's birthday and she and I got on a flight to France later that day. She cried most of the way there, or so she says. (I, the emotionally numb one, was able to sleep.)


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13 Mar 2009, 12:59 am

Sorry for your loss Ticker.


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13 Mar 2009, 2:45 am

oh I'm so sorry for you. I knw the kitty is feeling better now that she is in a better place.

rest in peace Siesta Stringchaser .


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13 Mar 2009, 12:33 pm

Hi Ticker
Such touching words about your cat. Please dont say "maybe aspies shouldnt have pets..."and so on. I wouldnt survive without it either. I use to say that my cat makes life worth living, all single details with her makes me enjoy the day. Cats give value in life and what you now experience is all catowners biggest fear. The day you loose your beloved completely understanding furry friend. It will happen to me as well one day and it has happened to me before with earlier cats. Its days that gives a remark in your life. I remember the sun was shining and the leaves in the trees was shaking in a smooth wind the day my childhood cat died.

Be proud of your Siesta Stringchaser, that she made your life rich with empathy and happiness. Remember all the years with her. Her soul stays with you. I think you was very very brave in the way you took care of your cat the very last moment in her life. That is true caring love. To hold her and to talk to her dead body. I dont think I would be able to do the same when its my cats turn. At least I couldnt deal with it when my childhood cat died. I said in another topic that I couldnt deal with her death at all and didnt know where her grave where until many years afterwards. Talking about not saying goodbye to your best friend ever!! Your cat was lucky to have such an owner as you!



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13 Mar 2009, 12:45 pm

Ticker wrote:
I just had to say that Siesta Stringchaser, the best cat that has ever walked the Earth died tonight at 6pm Pacific time. :cry: She took her last breath as I held her tight in my arms. It started snowing when she died. I feel very sad and alone tonight in the world. I miss her. Nobody has ever loved me as much as she did. I don't know how I will go on without her.

I'm so sorry. Cats are some of the nicest people I know, and you've known one of the best.

Yet you can teach to others of her kind what she has taught to you - when you are ready.

Again, I'm sorry for your loss of your best friend.

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13 Mar 2009, 2:08 pm

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I never cry so hard as when I lose a pet. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is the a saddest topic ever.

We lost our dear 14 yo corgi/jack russell mix last year. SOOOOOO sad. She had a liver tumor. We had her cremated. This is my second cremated pet. It cuts the pain significantly. I walk by her and pet the urn all the time. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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13 Mar 2009, 2:16 pm

MmeLePen wrote:
This is the a saddest topic ever.

Yeah ... I had to tell my co-workers that their clothing reaked of tobacco smoke especially strongly today ... :cry:

(Gomer ... Clarence ... Caliph ... I miss you guys ... may we meet again!)

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13 Mar 2009, 3:45 pm

Thanks guys for the kind words. It hurts so much today being without her. I couldn't sleep last night and have cried so many times my eyes are hurting. Its just too quiet at home now without Siesta meowing to greet me when I wake up and it was sad not having to fix her a bowl of food this morning. And no warm kitty curled up beside me in bed purring me to sleep. She was an awesome kitty. I've never loved anyone as much as I did her. She always accepted me no matter that I am weird Aspie with sensory problems and sometimes she wanted more touching than I could handle.

I feel Xalepax that maybe I wasn't a good enough human for her because she used to want the curtains open so she could sun in the window. But because of either my brain injury or the AS I have issues with sun and bright lights so I like the place dark so sometimes I told her no. Maybe that wasn't good for her. Sometimes I didn't clean her water bowl as often as I probably should have and sometimes I told her she couldn't sleep in bed because I was having sensory issues and I know that hurt her feelings because she was such an affectionate cat. I just want Siesta back. If I was rich I would have had her cloned she was that awesome. I'll post a picture of her later today.


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13 Mar 2009, 4:01 pm

I'm really sorry to hear that. :(

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13 Mar 2009, 4:51 pm

Ticker wrote:
Thanks guys for the kind words. It hurts so much today being without her. I couldn't sleep last night and have cried so many times my eyes are hurting. Its just too quiet at home now without Siesta meowing to greet me when I wake up and it was sad not having to fix her a bowl of food this morning. And no warm kitty curled up beside me in bed purring me to sleep. She was an awesome kitty. I've never loved anyone as much as I did her. She always accepted me no matter that I am weird Aspie with sensory problems and sometimes she wanted more touching than I could handle.

I feel Xalepax that maybe I wasn't a good enough human for her because she used to want the curtains open so she could sun in the window. But because of either my brain injury or the AS I have issues with sun and bright lights so I like the place dark so sometimes I told her no. Maybe that wasn't good for her. Sometimes I didn't clean her water bowl as often as I probably should have and sometimes I told her she couldn't sleep in bed because I was having sensory issues and I know that hurt her feelings because she was such an affectionate cat. I just want Siesta back. If I was rich I would have had her cloned she was that awesome. I'll post a picture of her later today.

I feel with You in this. How empty and silent it can be and to feel so strong that someone is missing so clear. Like a black hole that cant be filled up....Dont feel guilty for having your own needs and that you had be keen to them. We humans tend to reflect our own feelings in our pets. I do that too with our cat sometimes. Like when she dont want to be stroked I can feel so incredible rejected. But Im sure she doesnt feel the same in return when I dont have time for her. She loves me as much I love her even if our needs to be together doesnt always syncronise. Im sure it was the same with your cat. Cats are after all very good in adjusting themselves so your cat didnt suffer out your need to have it dark while she wanted the sun. She probably found her ways to sneak into the windows anyway - as my cat do.
If you need to write more stories about your cat and how her life was in your grieving process then Im here to read and take part of it. Im looking forward to a photo!



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13 Mar 2009, 8:16 pm

Sorry to hear that, Ticker. It's always horrible to lose a loved one, but it's especially hard when you lose a loved one who gave you unconditional love in return.

My thoughts are with you.

Why so serious?


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13 Mar 2009, 8:24 pm

Sorry, Ticker, to hear about the loss of Siesta. Sending good wishes your way.